Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity

Weekly summary of IDF anti-terror activity


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    Summary of IDF activity in the Gaza Strip:

    During the past week, Palestinians fired over 50 mortar shells and over 15 Kassam rockets from the Gaza Strip at the Israeli home front. Over 2,000 Kassam rockets and mortar shells have been launched at southern Israel since the beginning of 2007.

    The IDF carried out attacks against two mortar shell launching cells in the northern Gaza Strip. In one of the incidents the cell was already armed and ready to launch mortars at Israel. The IDF identified killing four and injuring five Palestinian terrorists.

    On Monday (3 December), the IDF carried out an attack against a post of the Hamas terrorist organization in the central Gaza Strip. The attack was carried out following the continuous launching of Kassam rockets and mortar shells at Israeli communities. Three Palestinian operatives were killed.

    Ground, armored and engineering forces, in coordination with the Air Force, operated against the terror infrastructure in the Gaza Strip in order to prevent attacks against IDF soldiers and rocket and mortar shell fire at the Israeli home front. Ten terrorists were killed and 13 were injured.

    In several different incidents Palestinians opened fire at IDF patrols and engineering works near the security fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip. No injuries or damage were reported.  

    Summary of IDF activity in the Judea and Samaria region:

    On Sunday (2 December) it was released for publication that IDF forces together with the ISA arrested the wanted terrorists responsible for the murder of Ido Zoldan, on November 19, 2007. The two terrorists were Jafar Braham, a member of Fatah and a member of the Palestinian national security forces in Ramallah, and Abdullah Braham, both 22 years old and residents of the village of Kadum. The two admitted during questioning that they were responsible for the attack and even handed over the weapons that they used. Fadi Jama'a, who served in the Palestinian national security forces was also involved in the terror attack and was arrested.

    On Tuesday (4 December) an IDF officer was lightly wounded during a violent riot that took place near Beit Ummar, southwest of Bethlehem. During the riot 450 Palestinians gathered and hurled a massive number of Molotov cocktails and rocks at the IDF force present. The force responded using riot dispersal means. When the rock hurling continued, the force fired at the lower body of one of the main provocateurs and identified hitting him.

    Wednesday afternoon (5 December), armed gunmen opened fire at an IDF force, during an arrest operation in Bethlehem. The force returned fire at the gunmen. One man was killed and another was lightly injured. After the incident, it was discovered that Palestinian security personnel were involved. The Commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, Brigadier General Noam Tivon, and the Head of the Civil Administration, Brigadier General Yoav Mordechai, offered medical assistance to their counterparts in the Palestinian security apparatus. Brigadiers General Tivon and Mordechai met with their counterparts in the Palestinian security services and agreed to establish a joint investigation team.

    During the past week, IDF forces uncovered three improvised explosive devices, a hunting rifle, a handgun, two AK47 assault rifles, three improvised guns and ammunition. Palestinians opened fire in four different incidents and hurled two explosive devices at IDF forces. IDF forces arrested 71 wanted Palestinians in the region of Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley.